Title: sociological study of doors GUESS!!
created on 14 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. polenta wrote:
 Match doors numbers I,II and III with these countries (in alphabetical order): Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay.
2. katpedro wrote:
 Polenta my cousin is the Trinidad & Tobago Ambassador to Brazil and she visits yr country sometimes.
3. lynnspotter wrote:
 1 Uruguay 2 Argentina 3 Brazil
4. polenta wrote:
 thanks for answering. Lynnspotter's answer wouldn't be correct in two of the choices. I hear more answers
5. polenta wrote:
 Katpedro, I hope your cousin enjoys his visits to Uruguay. He probably comes to Punta del Este.
6. a4e4ka wrote:
 For me:1-Brazil,because of the statue of Crist,3- Argentina, love their cookies and meals, 3 -Uruguay, don't know much about it
7. a4e4ka wrote:
 Sorry, Uruguay - "numero dos"
8. a4e4ka wrote:
 On the other hand - plain door may mean "Fresh air", Argentina...
9. polenta wrote:
 I'll tell you: 1 ARGENTINA sophisticated, elegant.... 2 URUGUAY plain, simple 3 BRAZIL colorful, tropical Well, this is from an Uruguayan point of view. Thank you all for your comments
10. ThinkDrawUS wrote:
 Thank you for contributing so profusely to this showcase polenta.
11. marius wrote:
 Missed these 3 earlier! Thanks for lesson in doors. Very nice!