Title: Time for Dessert
created on 27 May 09

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Comments on this picture (16):
1. Nikkie wrote:
 Cakes my favorite:>
2. Robindcr8l wrote:
 OK, now I've got a craving!
3. kmkagle wrote:
 It does look good.
4. larr wrote:
 A cocoa cake, please.
5. ZeroMerc wrote:
6. lilalee wrote:
 Looks delicious, Kathy!!
7. polenta wrote:
 listen, keep something for me later.... please I've just eaten your banana split...but tomorrow morning for breakfast....
8. sheftali52 wrote:
 Oh my--so many calories, so little time! :0)
9. Angela wrote:
 I'm willing to trample down the who got here before me. I NEED THAT!
10. Baldur wrote:
 I'll put on a pot of tea
11. Login wrote:
 Thank you, km. What are the others having?
12. kmkagle wrote:
 Whatever, I still have to get my yearly banana split. You all love food, I can tell!!
13. kaylynn wrote:
 Wonderful dessert!
14. katpedro wrote:
 Tea or coffee will be fine for me. Black, no sugar no cream.
15. marg wrote:
 oh, KM.. is there any left ? .. it's just beautiful
16. indigo wrote:
 I WANT THIS CAKE!...and I'll join polenta for breakfast..anytime is a good time for cake.