Title: Let's sit and drink, shall we?
created on 20 May 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. Login wrote:
 Oh! I like this. May I have a glass of red wine please, polento.
2. nancylee wrote:
 Cool use of those apple pieces!
3. pollyesther wrote:
 very inviting
4. katpedro wrote:
 I am going to join you Polenta but we need more chairs. I will bring the drinks.
5. sheftali52 wrote:
 Hey, I'm in, too. Very nice!
6. indigo wrote:
 What a clever use of that bowl! I'll bring a chair and a cheese plate to go with the red wine!
7. horses wrote:
 very clever. I love it.
8. kyung wrote:
 I will bring my own chair!! Red one is ok? :o)