Title: Pyramids
created on 15 May 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. solosater wrote:
 Perfect! Given the limitations of the theme we'll just say the camera was slightly tilted;-) Really beautiful!
2. indigo wrote:
3. SabraAngel wrote:
4. solosater wrote:
 You inspired me last night I spent about 2 hours finding a pick of cleo and starting her drawing had her about half finished...
5. solosater wrote:
 I accidently clicked on one of the picks to the side of the screen and lost her, I was so sad. I'll try again later, but this really is a very good drawing.
6. ZeroMerc wrote:
 i inspired somebody... OMGoodness
7. solosater wrote:
?pictureId=42493 I finally did it!

User: ZeroMerc

Profile Picture for ZeroMerc

Date joined: 11 May 2009

Number of pictures: 58

 Candy Animations
 Christmas Holidays