Title: General George Patton
created on 12 May 09

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Comments on this picture (15):
1. lilalee wrote:
 I knew it!! Kathy, this is a beautiful honor to George!! A manly man!! A honorable man! Wonderful drawing!!
2. lynnspotter wrote:
3. raydog wrote:
 This is exceptional
4. polenta wrote:
 The pic is great. I don't remember his face.
5. lilalee wrote:
 Also like how you did these stars on his shoulders!!
6. kmkagle wrote:
 I like how he got them! His courage, leadership, passion!
7. Arw65 wrote:
 this is awesome, you should submit it to the current Mugdot's challenge... Military. this is amazing, your portraits have feeling to them. just great
8. lulu4 wrote:
 great work
9. sheftali52 wrote:
 Wow!! Masterful! Love it!
10. arty wrote:
 Great drawing. But although I know about him, I had no idea that he had an orietal look about him. Or is just my eye, and I'm all wrong???
11. kmkagle wrote:
 His eyes were squinting.
12. Luna wrote:
 Well done! Great likness.
13. Luna wrote:
 -likness +likeness
14. lilalee wrote:
 Kathy, my husband just loved this pic, and thought you did a wonderful drawing!!!
15. indigo wrote:
 I only know him from the movie with George C. Scott...I like the way the uniform turned out.