Title: My glassware
created on 06 May 09

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. polenta wrote:
 oh... it makes me thirsty. Looks so delicious and your glassware so transparent. Better and better with each new pic. Sorry no vote, there is a ban.
2. kyung wrote:
 That's ok. Thank you for your comments! I am thinking whether to draw glasses with colored background. Right now I'm in the middle of brainstorming.
3. Login wrote:
 Give it a try, kyung ... this one's good.
4. marg wrote:
 your glassware is just excellent - and now I get to vote, as well !
5. kyung wrote:
 Thank marg for the information! Great appreciation to your comment to my glassware. It means a lot to me. :>)
6. horses wrote:
 you have a great imagination and able to turn it into a drawing