Title: Belly Dancer 2-Little Sheba
created on 29 Apr 09

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Comments on this picture (34):
1. lilalee wrote:
 Wow! Your doing all the famous ones! This is great!!!
2. kmkagle wrote:
 This was my past life! Ha! Ha! Ha!
3. lilalee wrote:
 Me in my next one!!
4. kmkagle wrote:
 We'd probably put them to shame! Do you think?
5. Robindcr8l wrote:
 What a gift you have!
6. lilalee wrote:
 Well, I always wanted long legs, and if I had them, I'd be a go-go dancer! But, since I don't, I'll try belly dance and use these hips!!! Sounds good to me!!
7. kmkagle wrote:
 I have the long legs but since the hip replacement they don't can't go where I want them to!
8. lilalee wrote:
 Hey, how was that??I had both my knees done last year, and am so pleased. Couldn't stand for 5 min. Now I can stand and walk for hours!
9. kmkagle wrote:
 You have to be careful turning, it's possible to dislocate! I had my hip checked on Monday, I think the doctor would have died if I would have asked if I could belly dance!! He's so sweet he probably would have made a funny remark and walked away.
10. kmkagle wrote:
 You had both knees, wow. At the same time or back to back?
11. lilalee wrote:
 If he was anything like my Dr, he would want you to dance for him!! I was awake for both surgeries, and had to listen to country and western music, the whole time, it was insane!
12. lilalee wrote:
 Six months apart! They were really bad. Standing all those years doing hair, and standing and lifting too much weight in a gift,garden shop for 8 years. I feel very blessed!
13. kmkagle wrote:
 I was awake for mine to. I just love this doctor. I got him through the ER. I feel and fractured the same side ankle, after the cast came off they found out about the hip? Never quite understood that. Did you go to Cleveland Clinic?
14. kmkagle wrote:
 I didn't know I could have brought my own music in. They were playing some nice, soft music. Country western would be ok as long as it's ballads.
15. lilalee wrote:
 At the time my doc was at St Charles. I wasn't suppose to be awake. I have a friend who was in auto accid.. and the same happened to her. After 6wks in hosp, they got her up to walk, and found her hip broken! She was at Cleve Clinic.
16. kmkagle wrote:
 I meant to say, I fell. It got me because I was in the hospital 3 weeks and after all was said and done, there little signs that something wasn't right. Find out later, it all pointed back. They kept saying, it's from your fracture, etc. Who knew? All I d
17. lilalee wrote:
 Cleveland clinic is great. When I was single, and had no insurance, I had a small tumor on my face, and one of my hair patrons arranged with her doc thereto remove it for free!! She paid for my night at a hotel, dinner etc! She was sweet!
18. kmkagle wrote:
 How nice. You don't meet people like that as a rule. That's one of the best I've heard. Really.
19. lilalee wrote:
 Yea, Single and poor! Now married and poor! Got to find a job soon!
20. kmkagle wrote:
 I guess we're all in the same boat. I'll be looking for something soon. You know something lilalee. I have great faith in things. For myself, I think "he" will provide. I haven't been let down yet. For you, if someone came your way at that time and did al
21. kmkagle wrote:
 continued: all that, maybe something will come by again when you need it. I'm sure you're like me, you get sick and tired of worrying. If I didn't have TD I think I would've caved.
22. kmkagle wrote:
 Here we are, sitting under a belly dancer's skirt and talking.
23. lilalee wrote:
 Km, I count my blessings everyday! I have great faith in the good Lord, as He has been so good to our family. This economy is so bad right now, and first time in my life to be terrified of the ways things have become! My husband retired, yet had to get a
24. kmkagle wrote:
 I'm hearing you lilaleel. Now you know where I am too. It's no fun. The lord's been good to me too. At least you have each other for support. It helps.
25. lilalee wrote:
 con. a part time job. I'm applying for ss this year!! I'll be 62. And yes, support is great! Thanks. back now to the gallary, see you have a new pic!
26. katpedro wrote:
 Good Chat. Let go and let Good. girls.
27. katpedro wrote:
 I mean Let Go and let GOD.
28. matthew wrote:
29. sheftali52 wrote:
 yes--very beautiful!!!
30. NINA wrote:
31. marg wrote:
 fantastic pic - the skirt, legs and twist of the ankle are just perfect
32. raydog wrote:
33. Login wrote:
 You are very talented, km.
34. kmkagle wrote:
 Login, I don't think so. It doesn't look that way. May be one of my last submissions.