Title: WAY too Windy!!!
created on 23 Apr 09

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. Ilikecolor wrote:
 Hilarious! Fun drawing. :D
2. lynnspotter wrote:
 To finish moodyqueens 'Windy!'
3. Dragon wrote:
 LMAO! This is too funny.
4. lilalee wrote:
 Yikes!!! funny!
5. karbs wrote:
 This made me laugh!!
6. nancylee wrote:
 I love it when one of these pictures references another! Great work!
7. Login wrote:
 This made me smile. The idea would never have come to me.
8. lynnspotter wrote:
 I'm pretty twisted sometimes....
9. polenta wrote:
10. Baldur wrote:
 Lynn, Lynn, Lynn... +o
11. Baldur wrote:
 nice drawing though
12. lynnspotter wrote:
 Started to change it so would be correct, then thought oh h___, no one will notice... should have known!!!!!!!! Hehe!
13. Baldur wrote:
 I can never leave well enough alone
14. sheftali52 wrote:
 heh heh--this is funny and oh so great!