Title: Gift for ALL! (playback)
created on 10 Apr 09

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Comments on this picture (16):
1. autumn wrote:
 well happy birthday Lynn!!! nice swirly thingabob!! have a great day.
2. lilalee wrote:
 Well, Happy Birthday, girl!! Its your National holiday!! So many blessings sent your way!! And by the way, thanks for the wonderful playback!!!
3. indigo wrote:
4. katpedro wrote:
 Happy Birthday Lynnspotter.
5. matthew wrote:
 H BD 2 U...
6. gwinnyb wrote:
 Happy 29th girl, enjoy!
7. mostblessedone wrote:
 Now THAT was FUN! Thanks! Happy Birthday!
8. lynnspotter wrote:
 LOL!!!!!!!!!qwinnyb!!!!!!! Guess I better change my age in profile!
9. lynnspotter wrote:
 Never mind. It changed automatically!??
10. cutegrl289 wrote:
 Happy Birthday, lynn!
11. flora wrote:
 Fantastic picture. Without a doubt ... it's a 5. Happy birthday to you!
12. Qsilv wrote:
 Happy B'day!!! Wow... you give great parties!
13. pollyesther wrote:
 this is wonderful lynnspotter! Happy Bday!!=)
14. marg wrote:
 Aww.. I missed your party ! Happy belated birthday, anyway.. and many happy replays !
15. kmkagle wrote:
 Happy Birthday to you!
16. baby wrote:
 happy birthday my birthday is next friday.