Title: given for all who care to receive
created on 09 Apr 09

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. sheftali52 wrote:
 very nice, gwinnyb!!
2. Isis13 wrote:
 exuizid work!
3. lynnspotter wrote:
 Holy! You have captured the message!
4. gwinnyb wrote:
 Happy Easter everyone. it is the message that matters. My humble opinion is that there is nothing..absolutely nothing.. more important than this one message
5. DMarcella wrote:
 Very nice.
6. kmkagle wrote:
 This is beautiful gwinnyb! As usual!
7. matthew wrote:
 Wonderful pic... Phenominal message...
8. mostblessedone wrote:
 You are so right, gwinnyb! Thank you for the thought-provoking (and awesomely executed) picture.
9. tahoekid4h9 wrote:
 he is risen!
10. gwinnyb wrote:
 He is risen indeed!