Title: clown being carted off for Kleinrock
created on 04 Sep 11

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. 56rosie wrote:
 For you Kleinrock...I respect your fear of clowns and wouldn't mind seeing a few of them float away in a huge boquet of balloons through the ozone! Some of them are downright FrEaKy!!lol
2. nancylee wrote:
 Love that you wrote to Klienrock. The picture is quite lovely on it's own. Why hasn't anyone else used those pieces to portray balloons.
3. suzze wrote:
4. Gemini8 wrote:
 Great pic!
5. lesley_gene wrote:
 Good job 56rosie! I agree, some clowns are pretty scary!
6. Lizzi wrote:
 I like your pretty clown and the balloons are perfect!
7. Burgandy wrote:
 A clown only the way Rosie can create one - simply perfect, colorful and detailed!
8. kleinrock wrote:
 I just saw this lol That clown is scary 2!