Title: An Ounce of Prevention... For Mugdots
created on 27 Aug 11

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. 56rosie wrote:
 "An ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of cure"! this pic is for the current Mugdots challenges..(Common Phrases LXXXV) ooh and...Be sure to get your FLU SHOT!! :)
2. nancylee wrote:
 Yikes! Great depiction!
3. abbielyons8 wrote:
 i hate jags!!!!!! :-(
4. Gemini8 wrote:
 ouch!! great pic, 56rosie!
5. Burgandy wrote:
 Ouch is right - never one of my favorite things to do:)
6. Renee355 wrote:
 great depiction
7. lesley_gene wrote:
 ouch! Good one though!