Title: paris in springtime is sweet
created on 01 Apr 11

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 Very nice first picture, chacha2000!! Welcome to TD.
2. pinkie wrote:
 Attractive picture-well done! Welcome to TD.
3. mdawrcn wrote:
 Excellent! Is this really your first? Welcome.
4. indigo wrote:
 NICE! Welcome to Think Draw chacha2000.
5. madihenry wrote:
 Very good!!!! WELCOME TO TD!!!!!
6. Normal wrote:
 Nice Eiffel Tower! Enjoy ThinkDraw. If you have not, I'll add this to the World Landmarks challenge in the Forum.
7. Login wrote:
 A unique representation of the Eiffel Tower. Nicely done.

User: chacha2000

Profile Picture for chacha2000

Date joined: 1 Apr 2011

Number of pictures: 1