Title: HmmGreat Hair Color or Fashion faux pas?
created on 23 Sep 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. pinkie wrote:
 She looks ready to party!
2. mdawrcn wrote:
 I am so loving this. She is hysterical! Great job! Glad you are having fun with it.
3. danila wrote:
 LOL.. adorable..
4. polenta wrote:
5. indigo wrote:
 She's a beauty!
6. Angela wrote:
 I'm with polenta! May be perfect if not perm? Rose, Who Is My Boogy-Man??? Need a hint? You're married to him! R.
7. Normal wrote:
 Delightful extension to mdawrcn's blingy torso!
8. 56rosie wrote:
 Thank you all so much having a blast with Mdawrcn's mugdot challenge! And...Angela..My Boogy-man is a teddy bear..and you prob. noticed the purple/green combo! LOL thusly= definately Fashion Faux Pas! hehe
9. Angela wrote:
10. Angela wrote:
 He's MY Boogy-Man, not yours! And I know he's sweet, but I'll never forget that Boogy-Man thing. I remember him well, thus, red, white & blue.
11. Angela wrote:
 Did he see it?