Title: Stars.. entry for Mugdots Challenge
created on 22 Sep 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. 56rosie wrote:
 This pic along with my "Sweet Dreams" moon pic will complete my first attempt entry in Mdawrcn's Mugdot's 'embellishments' Challenge LXVIII
2. 56rosie wrote:
 oh Goodness...this is ALSO my 100th picture!! :)
3. mdawrcn wrote:
 Congratulations on 100!! Great job. I enjoy your work and appreciate your generous comments.
4. DilCoura wrote:
5. polenta wrote:
 yes, 100!!! excellent choice of palette and good lines for your star!
6. Angela wrote:
 Congrats on 100! See how addicting this is??? I knew you would love this. Sweet pic.
7. indigo wrote:
 Beautiful star! Congratulations on 100! DITTO mdawrcn :)
8. Normal wrote:
 Really sweet star!
9. Normal wrote:
 Also - great work on those tricky tiny stars!!
10. danila wrote:
 great pic. Rosie...well done..so cute..
11. kmkagle wrote:
 Cute pic. This reminds me of a quilt, very nice work.