Title: "Umbrella"
created on 22 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. mdawrcn wrote:
 I like this. Nice colors.
2. arasi_srirangam wrote:
 Beautiful Umbrella!
3. marg wrote:
 this is just sooooo good !
4. Burgandy wrote:
5. Login wrote:
 That's a beauty ... I like the rain, too.
6. suzze wrote:
 Very nice!
7. solange62 wrote:
 Nicely done!
8. Lizzi wrote:
 Just what I like to see ona rainy day - an array of bright, happy colours. Well done.
9. pinkie wrote:
 A very nice 'rain' picture-colourful and well drawn!
10. 56rosie wrote:
 Thank you all so much! I like the rain too living in the Pacific Northwest you pretty much Need to! lol
11. clorophilla wrote:
 nice and precious... it seems to be made of velvet!
12. robotman wrote:
 nice blend of colors
13. danila wrote:
 well done!!!!!
14. indigo wrote:
 Lovely umbrella and well done! I think I would fit in living in the Pacific Northwest, looks beautiful!