Title: Back to School Theme submission
created on 21 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (16):
1. polenta wrote:
 I guess the A*+ means someone is very good student... and this person was YOU!!
2. 56rosie wrote:
 LOL Polenta! too funny
3. pingutux123 wrote:
 yes a A+ on art THIS IS AMAIZING!!
4. arasi_srirangam wrote:
 its rly very nice...
5. pinkie wrote:
 Full marks!
6. Burgandy wrote:
 Being a teacher - I appreciate this theme - though summer being over is still an adjustment for me. Thanks!
7. Normal wrote:
 Let's give that A+ to all our brave teachers! Lovely plaid - book cover? table cloth?
8. 56rosie wrote:
 Normal...Plaid just totally means fall to me. Good to know I achieved the plaid effect I was going for. :)
9. mrozowski wrote:
 Great colors. Don't forget to post it in the Back t School challenge in the forum!
10. suzze wrote:
 well done.
11. suzze wrote:
 I just placed this in the challenge for you.
12. 56rosie wrote:
 Thank you Suzze! didn't know how to do that.
13. suzze wrote:
 You just copy and paste the http://www.thinkdraw.com/picture.php
?pictureId=116107, at the top of the tool bar on the picture you want to show.
14. clorophilla wrote:
 You have to paste it in the reply at the challenge topic, into the community forum. Nice pic!
15. 56rosie wrote:
 Thanks suzze and clorophilla!
16. clorophilla wrote:
 Congrats 56Rosie for winning the Mugdot Challenge LXVI! Now you have to start a new topic and chose the subject for the Mugdot Challenge LXVII!