Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Just a thought on competition...

21. 6 May 2009 19:57


I don't see any benefit in a 1-10 system as in the end the same trouble will be there people will feel slighted by anything less than a ten.

I do think the non-violent protest might work if EVERYONE does it and it STOPS the hating, screaming, name-calling et al in the forums.

Otherwise we wont really be showing Rachel anything at all.

22. 6 May 2009 20:05


“Runnin on Empty” by Ron

Ahhh Roger delta-three-niner. Ahh. Go ahead and fan that sector. I’ve got a suspicion here, ahh, about the, err, integrity of the intelligence.

We’ve picked up some, ahh, malevolence in the local chatter. There appears to be a native alliance forming. You are go, repeat “Go” for clearing that boulevard.

“Ah. Roger that HQ.”, “I am ‘go’, repeat ‘GO’ on this street-sweep?”

“Get some delta-three-niner. Get some”.

The sheets of rain fell. They were beautiful

The local carnival-goers never saw it coming.

“We’ve got you on HUD delta-three. Salty man. Salty! Get some more!”

Delta-three-niner here HQ. I think there were some kids back there.

“Ahh. Delta-three-niner… That’s a probable. Repeat ‘probable’”.

HQ. What are we doing out here.

“Get some delta-three-niner. Get some. Then get some more!”

HQ. Are you asking me to sweep it again?

“Err. We’re watching back here delta-three. Err… That is affirmative. Get some delta-three. Get some more.”

The ugly plane banked hard and reversed its heading.

“Err… Delta-three-niner. You’ve got ‘em in yer sites. They’re right there. Fire! Fire! Fire! Get some. Yeah!”


“Err. Delta-three-niner. That’s a no-squalk. Engage. Engage!”

The plane flew near the carnival.

Err… HQ. I’m empty. I’m empty.

23. 6 May 2009 20:07


Oops. Wromg place to paste. LoL - literally.

24. 6 May 2009 23:30


(One more shining example of why it reeeeally would be lovely to have the quite ordinary Forum ability to edit our own posts.... lol...)

25. 7 May 2009 00:03


So many excellent points have been made in the first page of this thread.... (without a hint of anger or hatred in ANY direction... gosh). So let me stick my neck out a bit on this too.

I'm willing, even happy (for now), to go along with the non voting program... but... BUT...

But I also see the value in competition. Largely as Login said-- Keeping exceptionally good drawings at the top (vs never changing their position on an assembly line conveyor belt).

The harm in competition comes in two stages -- the first is no biggie. In a complex world, with people of varying neediness and maturity, some are going to abuse the system a little, and some are going to be hurt by that ---again, a little.

This is not a pain-free world, folks. It's not a wholly fair one. That's the price of freedom --flexibility. It's worth it.

It turns into a biggie whenever someone reacts to their own hurt by allowing themselves to fixate on it AND to express it so often and so vehemently that it takes over.

That's not the fault of competition per se.

It's not even the fault of the system... altho we could argue that a faulty system provoked someone into behaving poorly.

We are now trying to control the system... and that's fooling ourselves. It's really not ours to control. It's Rachel's. We are guests.

I do see value to running the whole place like we've been doing just inside the Forum, effectively on commentary alone, with the occasional passing of a baton on pure whim.

But I'd rather have the voting back. Preferably fixed. But even flawed.

What we HAVE to fix is... ourselves. Yes, even us do-gooder even-tempered well-meaning sorts. We reacted.

The most effective --and incidentally the gentlest-- way to deal with Flame Wars on the Internet is... to... ignore... them.

26. 7 May 2009 00:49


Qsilv, I applaud you. Always sane, always eloquent ... you have put my own feelings into a logical order. This site doesn't belong to us, to demand what ever it is we want. If TD gives us the gift of a voting system, less open to manipulation, I will be so grateful. If TD chooses to keep their baby just the way it is ... then I will accept their decision gracefully.

27. 7 May 2009 03:32


Before I comment, I want to state for the record that I have not been following the caos closely so what I am about to say might have already been discussed. I like living in my little world of nievity and ignorance.

I was told about this site from a friend who absolutely loved it. It took me a while to check it out. Once I started I haven't been able to quit. I will admit that when I first started I wasn't to sure about the voting system myself. I didn't quite understand what the was for. I at first thought that it was like a competition where everyone got a number. Most appealing to me...least appealing to me?? I decided not to vote at all until I asked my friend how it worked. Do you think that some of the voting coas could be coming form ignornace as well as mal-intention? I am not saying that the "1" vote are completely accidental but could other new-comers also be confused?

Maybe, something as simple as changing the voting scale from being a "1-5" ( which I must say is very difficult to compair with the multi faceted dimension of art that are revealed here) . I currently look through the galleries and scan to see what catches my eye. Sometimes it is the beautiful masterpiece that are created, but sometimes it is a concept that is portrayed, or originality in a piece, or even yes sometimes the title get me to take closer looks. If I stop to take a closer look ifrom me it is automatically a "5"
Now there are drawing here that I will admit have been somewhat offensive from time to time. We all know that kinds of drawing I am talking about. I don't believe that art should offend any ones personal right. And yes there have been a few that I have rated a "1" becasue of the lack of taste or consideration that this is a public site. In my eyes eveyone is intitled to there own opinions but shouldn't disrepect others from theirs.

So I guess what I was wandering is what does everyone else still like about this site?
We all know what we don't like, but is there a way to emphasize what we do like?
My suggestion...I understand would be difficult and might need an explaination, is instead of numbers maybe categories. Sort of a elementary school approach to fairness. Best use of color, best design in a showcase, originality, maybe even some of the clever title that are used, or just by styles. That way is would only come down to a calculation of most votes recieved with in a category. I know that it still would be difficult but this way it is all positive feed back and it might inspire people to try things that they wouldn't normally try. I know I have my favorite styles, colors, and even mediums, but I would probably try using object outside of my comfort zone, if I knew that it would not be disrespected for my attempt whether successful or not but reviewed for the qualities that appealed to others.

I will go back to my oblivious state and processed to draw my picture and enjoy everyone elses.

Hopefully I didn't not offend any one with my suggestions.

28. 7 May 2009 04:22


Since I Started this (officially)~some,like myself had begun to stop voting earlier~I will add that I did it to GET BACK to the FUN of the site! Creating, thinking, talking, writing, to & with each other. I love others wisdom & gentleness. I'd just like to see what would happen if we stop voting a couple of months! Yes the addiction will be hard to break, but if it might stop the anger(a real down for MANY) we might get back the MAGIC of TD!!! Gotta go.

29. 7 May 2009 04:44


I joined this site for the "fun" value. I was in awe of the talent. I'm all for the "no-vote", it's a shame it has to be like this. Ethics have been brought into question and until that's fixed ? A vote became all too important, comments mean more. A vote says nothing, an encouraging word speaks volumes. Don't be afraid to draw your pictures, do it for the joy of it! I enjoyed the humor but I enjoy integrity, honesty and morals more than anything, I value them highly.

30. 7 May 2009 07:35


Ron, are you lost? (or maybe not....

31. 7 May 2009 07:53


(reading and nodding thoughtfully...) you folks always make my mornings. I love your wit and the flashes of insight into each person's obviously well-earned wisdom. Thank you for it. ;>

I joined for the selfish reason of curiosity - to see what I could do with pixels presented this way. It was mildly interesting, but I only saved that one effort (this icon of swirling flowers that sort of just grew themselves for me) and then I just didn't bother to come back for weeks and weeks and weeks.

When I did wander back, wow... there was a thriving little community! And THAT kept me coming back. It encouraged me to do more drawings. And watching others' experiments widened how I approached the medium... and THAT actually has improved my "art".

I absolutely value integrity, honesty, ethics and clear logic (I'm known as pretty unbending about all that in the regular world --and in business in particular), yet there's one thing I value more...................


32. 7 May 2009 08:13


Qsilv, I absolutely agree. Perfect!

33. 7 May 2009 08:21


When I joined this site I started with small things, I suppose, testing the water and skills. Gradually, the challege grew and I tried to meet it. I've learned so much here. Skills I didn't know I had evolved. I took pride that "I did that"!! I felt small compared to the professional artists on this site. But then..... I won't act like a nobody. I will speak, choose not to listen, that's ok. If no voting solves the problem, wonderful. I think my peers opinions are more important. I think lynnspotter's suggestion is an excellent one and I think we should try it.

34. 7 May 2009 14:19


I read on another thread that the majority had decided on not voting. Did I miss a vote on not voting

35. 7 May 2009 14:24


No Luna you didn't miss a vote on "no vote". You just don't vote on pictures, comments only. This is how I'm interpreting it.

36. 7 May 2009 14:27


That was kind of a joke...but not entirely

37. 7 May 2009 14:42


Sorry, that was me. I just wanted those the message was intended for to understand why there was such a dramatic drop in votes.

I didn't mean to assume or offend, I hope you'll all forgive me.

38. 7 May 2009 14:45


I also think I said or at least meant those in the forum and by the lack of vitriol and hate being spewed these days, I did assume it was true.

39. 7 May 2009 15:09


It's OK solosater. I'm not easily offended I think all the hate just kind of burned its self out.

40. 8 May 2009 06:05


See Login's story here:

We have overlooked the gentle reminder from Qsilv that this is Rachel's site. If we were guests in her house would we think it was OK to re-arrange the furniture to our liking? We ARE guests here. Let's behave like it and let Rachel make the changes as she see's fit.